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Kintamani Dog Breed Information

Kintamani Dog Breed Information - Kintamani is a dog race that came from the mountains of Kintamani, Bali - Indonesia. These dogs can be classified in the working group with medium-size dogs. Kintamani had balance and good body proportions with a strong bone structure. 

As the mountains dogs, Kintamani have long hair with specific white, black or brown. Clustering in the FCI, Kintamani dogs in the group V because it has the characteristics of primitive type dogs, such as Spitz and Chow-chow, Basenji, and Samoyed.

Kintamani is the intrepid dog and agile, clever and easily trained. Possess a high alert and easily worried. He living close and loyal to their owners. Kintamani Dog (Bali) often attacks dogs or other animals entering the realm. He mobile, lightweight and flexible.


The top of the head is wide with flat forehead and cheeks, snout and strong disproportionate size of the head, jaw looks strong and compact, has strong teeth, lips, black or dark-brown color. Ears are thick, strong, stand-shaped "V" upside-down with the tip slightly rounded. The distance between the ears is quite big.

Oval-shaped like the almond fruit with dark-brown eyes and white eyelashes. Nose black or brown color and the nose often changed due to season or increase in years.

To get recognition from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) eligible, it needs to attempt a scientific and accountable. One effort is to examine the relationship between structure and color distribution of DNA profiles in the specific white fur genotype with white fur color phenotype of Kintamani dog.

The distribution of hair color on the Kintamani dog can be clustered into four types;
  1. Slightly reddish color and white fur with brown-reddish color of the ear, the hair in the back of the thigh and the tip of its tail.
  2. Black smooth or with a little white chest.
  3. Russet or brown with the black snout tip, often referred to by the community as a color- Bang bungkem.
  4. Basic colors brown or light brown color with black lines.

Height and body shape

Male of Kintamani’s high is 45 cm to 55 cm and the  female dog 40 cm to 45 cm. The most hair color is specific white (slightly pink) and red-brown (beige) on the tip of the ears, tail and feathers at the back of the thighs. More colors are full black and brown with the black muzzle. Nose, lips, eyelids, scrotum, anus and feet are black or dark brown.

His neck sized, sleek look, with strong muscles. Width chest and back is flat. Female Kintamani’s body mostly longer than the male.

Legs rather long, strong and straight when viewed from front or rear. Without tajir heel, soft foot movement. Tail feathers have dispersed, vertical, and forming an angle of 45 degrees or slightly curved but not falling or circling above the waist or fall to the side. The more the long tail feathers the better.

So this is all about Kintamani dog breed information, feel free to leave a comment.


Green said...

I love your post. . . . .! Successfully

Unknown said...

We actually have acquired what I believe is a Kintamani. He just showed up in our neighborhood and adopted us. He's a wonderful companion to my basset hound and they love to play and chase each other. He's got some learning to do in the way of manners. But he's an exact match for the dog pictured at the bottom of the blog. Aside from ears that stand up. He's spot on. Great animal, friendly, and I was concerned that he might not be much in the way of a watch dog, but there was something in the back yard the other night and he let us know there was something there. Happy to have him. Great addition to the family. Funniest thing is my wife is from Karangasem, Bali. So we're 3/4ths Balinese in our house now.

Alicia from Singapore said...

We bought a pup for a ton of money from the pet shop in Singapore called pet lovers centre. They have told us he is a Japanese spitz but since day1 , I have always questioned that as he does not look like Japanese spitz , and the older he gets it shows more and more ,his ears are set further apart and his fur is not poofy like a spitz it’s flatter and he has stronger features than a Japanese spitz , today as I was googling his features again as I always due to my constant suspicion over his real genetic make up, I chanced upon a kintamani breed and .... I think my dog is a kintamani ... he looks just like one his ears are set further apart just like a kintamani and his mannerisms are so much like the description of a kintamani ... I love him to bits and won’t trade him away just because he is not a Japanese spitz , but I am totally disgusted with the way the dog business is operated in Singapore .thank you for enlightening me and educating me on the kintamani breed , they are gorgeous and so lovable !!!

herymeelon said...

Thank you, I have recently been looking for facts about this subject matter for ages and yours is the best I have discovered so far. online poker singapore

Unknown said...

It's almost a Chinese native dog.

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