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Popular Small Mini Dog and Toy Breeds Types

There are many types of popular small and mini dog, it is also called toy ​​breed. Some are classified as derivatives for sporting activities or sporting breed, for example retrievers, spaniels and setters. Another group is the hounds, such as Beagle and Borzoi. Then there are types of terriers which originally was a small man. Another grouping is a working dog like a Doberman, Boxer and St. Bernard. The dogs that serve as guard animals in the group called the herding dogs, among them the Collie, shepherd or Alsatian is a German shepherd dog.

Toy breed was developed from a mixture of various couples dogs, generally produced for small or mini ornament that can be a house dog. Among Shih Tzu dog that is a mixture of derivatives of Tibet with the Pekingese. Pekingese dog itself is not known to have come from a mixture of what, because the new unknown in the West in 1860 after British troops stormed the Forbidden Palace in Beijing. These dogs are also called sleeve dogs, since that time the Chinese nobles carry their miniature dogs in the sleeves of his robe.

Generally these small dogs developed in Europe and Asia. In Europe, the famous Affenpinscher developed in the 17th century. About 26 centimeters high and weighs only 3 pounds -3.5. Bulldog perhaps is the famous of Europe. Developed in England centuries ago to no longer known when. These mini dogs are strong, courageous and often ferocious. Derivative is almost extinct in about the year 1835 because of bulldog is used as a dog complaint. The lovers then save it by doing the breeding. This mini dog becomes symbol of toughness and tenacity of the British when faced with Nazi Germany.

There is also a mini dogs produced in the Americas. Chihuahuas originate from Mexico in Latin America. A derivative called the Boston Terrier, evolved in the 19th century in the United States east coast cities. Is about 35.5 by 43 centimeters and weighs 7-11 pounds.

Pekingese dog breeds

This kind comes from Peking (now Beijing) in mainland China. For hundreds of year Chinese people sacred this small dogs, and may keep only by the royal family. In the palace dog is referred to as "lion dogs". But with the fall of the king, the dog would now be a pet in many countries. Whereas before it was actually a lot of Pekingese dogs are kept outside China. It make this dog quick loved, precisely because it is quieter and less agile.

This dog high was just 20 -25 cm to the shoulder and body length slightly longer than his height. It weighs 3.5 to 7.5 kg. The funny shape of her nose may be small and short but large eyes, round and black. Its tail is bushy haired and curved up over his back. Hair loss is very heavy and thick around the neck hair, long and straight. The color varies from pale yellow, reddish brown or black.

Poodle dog breeds

Poodle dog is unique because it is usually formed haircut funny. Hair on the back and the abdomen was shaved. Then the hair thigh up close to the joints metatarsus shaved. Also under the joint metatarsus hair shaved. From the base of the tail until near the end of the tail was shaved leg as well as the upper face of the metacarpus. So the parts that hair is the head, neck, shoulders and chest. Remaining hair is also in the joints metacarpus and metatarsus, the buttocks near the tail and tip of tail.

In order for these dogs can follow the demonstration, according to the provisions of the dog shall be sheared as above. The dogs are not called corded poodles shaved. When the poodle dog hair and allowed to grow long and shaggy, long hair once and it will be twisted into rope-shaped piece of hair. If the hair is cut short it will crimp and dense.

These dogs are very clever, and pets are good and appropriate to the dog house. There are three different sizes of this dog is, the standard poodle puppy, puppy dog ​​of medium size and miniature and toy poodle called the smallest. What distinguishes them is the size of his body. Poodle standard height 37.5 cm to the shoulder, a miniature poodle from 25 to 37.5 cm and 25 cm below the poodle is a toy poodle puppy.
The colors of these dogs are a black, brown or white. The new puppy a few days old his tail cut short, not too short. If too short, he can chill. Common foods are processed foods.

Chihuahua dog breeds

Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. This kind is like a dog toy and obey orders, plus more clever. According to literature, he found since 3000 years ago. So Chihuahua is the one of the world's oldest dog. This dog origin from Chihuahua, Mexico. Long time ago he used in religious ceremonies. Right now he's more of a pet dog. Height is 20-25 cm and weighs between 1-4 kg. Dog's eyes are large, round and big ears.

That makes him the more amusing because of its tail curved and slender legs, but he classified the type that is able to run fast. The colors of these dogs have a white or black or a combination of various colors.

Mini Pinscher dog breeds

This dog really like Doberman, but in miniature form, color and body shape are similar. Likewise, agility no less with "brother", Doberman, dog guards feared. In literature, this toy breeds also called Doberman Pincher.

Sharpness instincts and awareness of this dog quite well. As a guard, this dog can be quite reliable and has a sharp smell. If there are foreign visitors, this dog looks fierce and likes to bark but will not attack.
So many people liked him more than maintaining a large Doberman who seem sinister. As a friend and funny dog, Mini Pincher quite intelligent and can be proud of.

So, this is all about  popular small mini dog and toy breeds types, you may also read about how to find a good dog breeder.

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